Monday, January 2, 2023

Norman Army

Now that the Anglo-Saxon ay is done its time to finish the Norman army. It's already got a lot of work done on the Cavalry and some Infantry, though I'll need to rebase most of the infantry. This is everything I have at my disposal. 1 Victrix Norman Infantry pack (60), 1 Victrix Medieval archers & slingers pack (36), 2 boxes Gripping Beast Dark Age Cavalry (24), and a mix of metals bought from other gamers failed projects. I'm confident I have enough minis (might get some more crossbows) but now I need to plan out the army to match my Anglo-Saxons for Hastings.

My original plan (organized for Hail Creaser) called for 2 Divisions of cavalry, each with 2 units of knights and 2 units of Retainers. A 3rd Division of Infantry consisting of 2 units Heavy Infantry, 2 units of Medium Infantry, 1 unit of Crossbows, and 2 units of Bows. But after further research I think the ratio of Cavalry to infantry is off and I need fewer of the former.  

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