In preparation for a new Stargrave Campaign with a co-worker I decided to run a solo campaign to re-acquaint myself with the rules. For this I made a separate, but similar, crew from the one I'd be using in normal games. This crew is R.A.P.T.O.R. team 2.
Leaders callsign is Cap, a Veteran with his first mate going by Lt. who is a robotics expert. The rest of the team (crew) consisted of Tank ( armored trooper), Blast (gunner), and Alpha, Bravo, Charlie (robot troopers).

RAPTOR stand for Rapid Action, Priority Targets, and Operations Response which covers the types of tasks they get sent on. The organization was special operations before the Pirate Fleets took over and is now for higher, though they wont work for any Pirates. RAPTOR teams are expensive and normally called on when the client is desperate for fast, elite, and discreet action. That was the situation Team 2 found themselves in. A client from the Human Sphere needed someone to find out why their secret mining facility had gone quiet, and keep it a secret. What the client didn't tell the team was that the secret mine was a cover for a more secret laboratory. When the team landed they found the main mine entrance complete abandoned. After proceeding deeper into the facility they found the Lab and what had happened to on the personnel. Some sort of bio weapon they had been working on had gotten loose and turned everyone into mindless zombies. In the fight to get out the team got split in two. Cap, Blast, Alpha, and Bravo found themselves back at the main processing facility for the mine with Lt, Tank, and Charlie no were in site. Cap needed to get to the facilities escape shuttles and maybe grab something valuable on their way out.

Turn 1. Cap did group move, sending Blast and Bravo left while he and Alpha went right. Then he deployed a drone. Most zombies wandered around except 1 that saw Blast and Bravo and charged down the hall towards them.
Turn2. Cap group activated his Drone and Alpha. The drone made it around the corner and took a hasty shot at a zombie but missed. Cap and Alpha followed. The zombie charged the drone and landed a heavy smack to the fragile device, leaving it with 5 HP.
The zombie heading towards Blast and Bravo closed for the attack. It swung at Bravo but the Bot struck it in the face with the butt of its carbine, reducing the zombie to 2HP. The rest of the zombies wandered around except one that wandered out of the command center into the hall way spotting Blast and Bravo. Bravo attacked the assaulting zombie again but only gained a dent in its own armor for the effort. Blast opened fire at the drone down the hall with his rapid fire weapon. The zombie is torn to shreds by the barrage of blaster bolts.
Turn 3. Cap group activated, sending Alpha to help the Bot while he moved around to the loot crate. Both Alpha and the Bot attacked to zombie and both came away with minor damage and the zombie unharmed. Bravo took a beating from the zombie claying at him, leaving him with only 6HP. Blast joined Bravo against the zombie and together where able to kill it.
Turn 4. Cap struggled with the crate while the zombie struck at the Bot behind him. Fortunately the Bot dodge and then together with Alpha struck down the zombie. Blast and Bravo continued down the hallway towards the second loot crate.
Turn 5. Cap got the crate open but 2 more solider zombies also appeared at either end of their hallway. It shot acidic bile at Alpha, missing and burning the wall behind him. As the rest of the zombies wandered around, Cap was finding himself more surrounded. He called for Blast ro move down and help and have Bravo secure the 2nd loot crate. Blast, Alpha, and the drone all took shots at near by zombies and missed.
Turn 6. Cap and Alpha mov3d down the hallway and took shots at one of the solider zombies in the hanger bay. Only cap scored a hot but it took half the zombies health. The one following down the hall shot at Alpha again but missed. However the drone took a hit from the zombie in the hanger bay and was destroyed. Another one shot at Cap but his armor held. In the command center, Blast got bit clawed by the zombie he failed to shoot, knocking him down to 10HP. Bravo failed to open the 2nd loot crate on his first try.
Turn 7. Cap and Alpha moved I to the hanger bay with guns blazing. They each obliterated a zombie, both rolling Nat 20s, effectively securing the hanger. One zombie down the hall shot at and missed Alpha while Blaster held off his zombies chomping jaws. Blast then landed a good hit on the zombie bringing it down to 8HP. Bravo finally got the 2nd loot crate open and fell back to help Blast. Then 3 more zombies showed up in the Hanger Control room.
Turn 8. Cap ordered Alpha to see if the shuttle was unlocked while he covered the hallway. Alpha got the hatch open just as cap blasted the hallway zombie in half. Lucky the zombies in the Hanger Control room just wandered around, not fining the door. Unfortunately, the zombie fighting Blast managed to find a gap in his armor and landed a Nast bite. This left Blast wounded and on 1HP. Fortunately Bravo charged in and knocked the zombie back, reducing it to 4 HP and giving Blast an escape route, who headed towards the Hanger Bay.
Turn 9. Cap and Alpha climbed into the shuttle, they could leave and hope Blast would be able to open the remaining shuttle but with so many zombies left it might just doom him. He planned to wait as long as he could. Bravo was busy holding off the remaining zombie the Command Center while the others had still not found there way out of Hanger Control. When Bravo activated he was able to finish off the zombie and moved to join Blast.
Turn 10. Cap waited in the shuttle anxiously waiting who would make it first, Blast or the zombies. 2 of the zombies stumbled out of Hanger Control and, seeing Cap & Alpha, shambled their way. Blast was 1 move away but Bravo was at least 2. They could leave Bravo to the other shuttle but the Bot had the 2nd loot.
Turn 11. Both Cap and Alpha fired at the approaching zombie but missed. The zombie closed in to Alpha with 2 others close behind. Blast made it to the shuttle so Cap had Bravo try the other shuttle, unforgettable it was locked.
Turn 12. With zombies closing in, Cap decided to take off and leave Bravo to try and hack the other shuttle. At least the zombies didn't know Bravo was there...yet. With their prey suddenly gone the zombies went back to wandering around. Unfortunately one of the solider zombies wandered into line of sight of Bravo and took a shot. Fortunately it missed. But Bravo was able to hack the shuttle and make good his escape.
4 regular and 3 soldier zombies killed to 1 drone lost and 1 crew member almost killed. In total the crew earned 200xp which was used to level up Lt. from 0 to 2. None of the loot very useful for my team and, since they had spent everything on recruitment, was sold for a total of 460 credits. Next mission will show us what happened to LT, Tank, and Charlie.