Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Display Board pt5

 All the flocking is dry and complete and I have set up all the initial terrain I plan to use for the display. I'm still waiting on the water effects to arrive so I can add some in the ruts. I also need to add some glue to the thatched roof to get it to lay down. Initially I'll use it to display my Bolt Action German force in a tournament next month. I'm hoping to win best themed. I have left the buildings and other terrain elements removable so that I can customize it for skirmish games. Replacing the buildings with some half timber framed Saxon ones would make it work perfect for a skirmish battle. Could use it with Fistful of Lead rules Might and Melee set in early to mid medieval. I could put trees over the area were the log piles are to make the edge of a forest and run an ambush scenario. 

Overall I am very happy with this. I learned a good deal and think I could make more tiles that go together. I didnt make this specific one with that though in mind so it might be hard to integrate it into others but it served as a good proof of concept. 

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