After the Botched Deal both the RAPTOR Team and Ulfgrim's Oathband made their ways back to the local starport. Just as they arrived claxons started sounding, announcing the arrival of a Pirate Fleet into the system. Perhaps some of those "local ruffians" had been pirate informants. Both Crews needed to cross the landing pad in order to get to their respective ships before the pirates arrived. They also had to avoid the civilian shuttles that might take off at any moment, knocking back everyone around them.
The starport setup using Battle Systems mat and some terrain. Buzz Lightyear ships, and some of H's resin terrain.
H's two Recruits had been "promoted" between games to a Sniper and a Trooper.
My crew had to fill out with locally acquired robots and pet spiders. The two Recruit Robots are called Alpha and Bravo. The two Guard Dog Spiders are named Teeth and Legs.
Turn 1
I started the turn by sending Cap. Thomas, Trainee Hunter, Teeth, and Pvt. Pile up the right hand side and deploying a drone along the way.
H's Captain did similarly on my left.
MSgt Lewis also group activated with Alpha, Legs, and SSgt Hunter moving up center right.

Trainee Ana and Bravo went off to the left to try and secure one of the loot and slow down H's Crew.
Turn 2
H's First Mate was able to deploy a drone and continued to push up.
Ana and Bravo moved over to try and open the small loot crate.
Lewis sent Legs to charge H's Captain but couldn't quite make it. Alpha and SSgt Hunter put down suppressive fire.
Thomas had moved up Trainee Hunter, Teeth, & Pile to try and secure the data loot.H's crew blasted away at the 8 legged spider reducing it to just 1 HP.
Turn 3
The turn started with Trainee Ana being struck down while trying to open the crate.
Legs and SSgt Hunter charged H's captain and started putting the hurt on him.
H's First mate moved up to secure the data loot after dropping Ana.
Teeth charged up to start hurrahing H's crew that was blocking my escape route.
Meanwhile Trainee Hunter managed to hack the data loot, someone might be getting a promotion.
Bravo moved up to try and secure the case and put fire in on H's crew.
Turn 4
One of the shuttles took off causing Teeth to fly against a wall a splat. H's crew took only minor damage from the take off. The bigger problem was the large open space I now needed to cover in order to get off the table. All the available cover had a member of H's crew behind it.
Lewis continued to provide fire support at the now exposed enemy crew.
Thomas and Pile tried to find a way to advance up with some cover.
Meanwhile, Alpha had moved up to contest the central loot.
After the enemy commander had be knocked out. Legs charged at the enemy sniper to keep his accurate fire out of the fight. SSgt Hunter moved up to provide fire support.
Trainee Hunter had let Pile collect the data loot and so moved up to successfully unlock and secure the loot crate. Definitely getting promoted if he survives.
Turn 5
I had initiative and with H's captain out of commission I got to activate both my captain and first mate before him. Thomas & Pile moved up to what little cover there was. They where followed by Lewis who also deployed a drone.
The Drone moved up to distract enemy fire.
Legs was keeping the enemy sniper busy while SSgt Hunter engaged another enemy crew in melee.
A melee he won.
On the left had flank a Pirate ruffian had shown up. Bravo had already secured the loot and was attempting to fall back to rejoin the rest of the crew.
Turn 6
H's crew advanced in a way to cut off Bravo and engage the Pirate.
Alpha decided to abandon the central loot and move to join the crew. Time was running out as more and more Pirates where bound to show up.
In the right hand corner our two crews had agreed to a local cease fire as I wanted to get off the table and H was worried about the amount of distance his crew needed to cover.
The cease fire didn't apply to Bravo who was brought down.
H's crew also dispatched the ruffian and moved to secure the loot Bravo had dropped.
My crew had moved everyone off the map except Alpha who was still catching up.
H's crew secured the loot and started moving off the table.
The game ended when I moved Alpha off the table. I had secured 2 loots and lost Bravo, Ana, Teeth, and Legs. H had lost his Captain and one other crew member. In this scenario, anyone knocked out but not dead is captured by pirates and needs to be ransomed. All 4 of mine had survived but where not worth the credits to ransom so where left to the Pirates. Both of H's guys survived and he paid to ransom them. I was also able to build a robot Gunner for next game and have enough credits to higher some better replacement crew.