Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Valley of the Wind

 I really love all the Studio Ghibli films. One of my favorites is Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. After watching it again recently (for 15th time at least) I decided I'd like to put some small skirmish forces together representing a few factions from the film, mainly those from Talmiki, Pegite, and The Valley of the Wind. I did quite a bit of reaserch on google and came to learn that there was a 2 part manga that the movie is based on. I ordered the manga and started reading. As I don't have any experience sculpting I went with the kit bashing route. once I had enough research I placed an order with both Anvil Industries, Victoria Miniatures, and some Fire Forge blisters of ebay. Once all my orders arrived I got to work assembling the first faction, Talmiki. 

I wanted to represent the two main units we see in the film. The heavily armored melee soldiers and the assault soldiers.  

This is what I came up with. I dont think they look super close but I think, once painted, they will get the message across. 

The assault soldiers were next.

I am really happy how they turned out and will paint the one with the sword and knife as the leader with the white helmet. 

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